Similar to the first collection, which debuted during Tokyo Fashion Week at the label’s first-ever runway show, the new capsule includes T-shirts and hoodies; instead of featuring the words “WORK HARD. HAVE FUN. MAKE HISTORY,” however, the black and white options are now emblazoned with the Ambush and Amazon logos.
In an interview with High Snobiety, Yoon said: “As an Amazon regular customer, I wanted to capture the vibe of the Amazon packaging, the excitement of opening the Amazon box so we made the display cases from the box. The same goes for the items, almost an industrial vibe because that’s how I imagine the people at Amazon to be. The design is capturing that vibe, simple employee shirts, this is the direct concept.“
Should you not be in Tokyo in time for the pop-up, the collection will be available to shop online beginning tomorrow. Are we the only ones who feel like these are going to show up on Heroine next month for double the price?