If you’re a die-hard Goop fanatic, aspiring wellness guru, or just someone with a smartphone and social media access, then chances are that you’ve heard about CBD. The cannabis-derived ingredient has found a way to sneak into just about every orifice of our daily lives: skincare, haircare, and of course, ingestible versions that are meant to give you “good vibes” without the high of its psychedelic counterpart, THC.
Though the amount of digestible CBD-infused products seems to be endless, there is one product that has hit a virtual high: Recess, a sparkling water that’s infused with 10 milligrams of CBD hemp extract, all contained in an aesthetically-pleasing can — a perfect addition to your most Instagrammable moments.
For those of you ready to kick up your usual can of LaCroix, this drink sounds pretty enticing. But, does this drink really live up to its online hype? Below, four of our Cools editors give the trending drink a try:
Jennifer Hussein, Beauty Editor
Anyone that knows me, knows that my one true love will always be marijuana. But, since I can’t be stoned 24/7, I rely on CBD to keep my stress levels down throughout the day. But, one problem I have with many CBD-infused ingestibles is that I still end up feeling high. Does that happen to anyone else, or am I just a weird enigma that can’t take in any cannabis-derived molecule without getting a buzz?
Anyways, I gave the Recess Pomegranate Hibiscus flavor a try (I’m a sucker for floral flavors), and it was love at first sip. Not only did it taste delightfully sweet without being too sweet, but it also got rid of my post-lunch bloat. Plus, it left me feeling chill and calm, without any sluggishness or high feeling whatsoever. Relaxed and mentally functional? I’ll take it.
Alix Gutierrez, Associate Art Director
While I do love the bodily effects of marijuana, I, unfortunately, am one of those people who cannot smoke because it makes me painfully anxious. I’d rather spare everyone the experience of dealing with the weirdo in the corner who doesn’t speak outside of saying some shit like “the most cursed Tik Tok of them all is the passage of time itself”. (Thanks, Twitter). So when the CBD craze came out I was admittedly intrigued. Combine that with an artisanally flavored sparkling water and some truly delicious vaporwave-esque branding and may as well just rob me of all my money.
I tried Recess’ Blackberry Chai flavor, and it was unexpectedly nice. The chai was strong, but not overpowering- It tasted like a happy dream. Light and effervescent. I downed it fairly quickly because I may or may not have a liquid consumption problem, but also I had to rush to a sugaring appoint in Union Square. I thought to myself, hey, maybe this CBD beverage will chill me out and ease the pain of thick single black hairs being ripped out of the most sensitive part of my body. It did not — it tasted good, though.
Callia Hargrove, Social Media Director
Cool, calm, and collected is exactly how I felt after drinking a can of Recess. Aside from being obsessed with its super sleek design, I really enjoyed how light and fresh the Peach Ginger flavor was. The zen feeling that I was left with after I finished lasted throughout the rest of my day at the office.
Beck Diaz, Editorial Intern
I had the Blackberry Chai Recess and I hate to say that I loved it, but I loved it. Apparently being able to feel the CBD resetting all that has gone wrong in my life