Are micro bags practical for everyday use? Definitely not. But they are trendy and chic, and worth considering if you’re looking to get a mildly affordable designer bag that makes a big statement without the weight of a tote bag or cross-body. If you’re still even a tiny bit interested, take a peek at Dua Lipa’s recent look featuring the Jacquemus leather micro bag.
When you think of clutches they’re used as a formal bag for special occasions, so why can’t tiny bags be the night out bag of choice? After all, you only need a cardholder, your keys, and some lipgloss as far as essentials since your phone is usually in your hand.
Take note of Lipa’s styling that’s just as minimalistic as the bag– a 90s’ black slip dress, and simple heels. Yes, the look is more about aesthetics than functionality, but if you’re not indulging in the fun of trends and having fun with your fashion, then there’s really no point at all.
Scroll down below to shop Dua Lipa’s tiny bag trend.