This Mask Made My Butt Burn, But It (Kind Of) Works

Don’t we all want firmer, fuller booties? Well, I do. No matter how many squats I do in my rare gym sessions, I just can’t achieve that shapely apple bottom that other women have been blessed with. And with summer just around the corner, I’m desperate to get my rump in tip-top shape.


Enter: the MAËLYS B-Tight Lift & Firm Booty Mask. This mask has been donned by beauty gurus and micro-influencers alike in hopes of firming, tightening, and lifting their nether cheeks to Kardashian-esque glory. This 5-in-1 mask is meant to do it all: reduce the appearance of cellulite, restore and tighten skin, boost your metabolism, burn fat, and firm the skin. Could a tiny jar of baby pink butt cream really make my teeny ass resemble the peach emoji? There was only one way to find out: try it out myself.


Cellulite isn’t necessarily a problem for me, but I just wanted to have a sculpted derrière that could put J-Lo’s to shame—is that really too much to ask for? The all-natural ingredient list seemed legit: caffeine (a known anti-cellulite ingredient), pink pepperslim, and kaolin clay all sound like pretty promising ingredients. While I highly doubted that they would all have the power to really speed up my metabolism through my tukkus, it sounded like a pretty promising addition to my already-lengthy skincare arsenal. Plus, considering the fact that I’m the unofficial test dummy for all things beauty at the COOLS office (seriously, I’ll give anything a go), I was immediately down to try this—what’s the worst that could happen, right?


The night I got this hefty little jar of butt mask in the mail, I immediately slathered on a light amount to each cheek, making sure to get my thighs as well. I’ll be honest, I didn’t shower before I put it on (I save my shower times for the AM), so I felt a little gross putting it on—but considering the fact that you’re supposed to leave the mask on and let it seep into your skin instead of washing it off, I decided that bedtime is definitely the best time to use it.


The first few seconds, I felt nothing at all. But, the moment I was about to step into bed, I felt it. The light tingle I get from any average clay mask was nothing compared to the fire and fury my butt felt. It was like a more intense version of Icy Hot, and that cream is already pretty intense to begin with. I thought it was just my skin getting used to the product so I tucked myself in, tried to battle through the pain, and eventually fall asleep.


As you’d expect, I saw no results by morning time—how could I expect anything to happen the first time in a mere 8 hours of sleep? So, I gave it another go the second night, and my ass still felt like it was going up in flames. I tried the product for a week straight, and each and every time the pain did not dissipate. At one point, the fiery feel actually felt worse, and it extremely turned me off from the product.



But then, on my final day of using this booty mask, as all my hopes and dreams of having an ultra-firm buttox began to slip out of my fingers, it happened: my best friend says out of the blue, “Did you do any squats? Your butt looks bigger.” Could it be that this mask truly inhibits butt-enhancing wonders? Or is it the fact that I finally got myself to go to the gym one measly time this week, and I so happened to focus on my legs for my 45-minute gym session? Or maybe it was all of the carbs I’ve been eating the past week (I’m a sucker for Whole Foods’ French Brioche)? Whatever it was, it had me giddy with joy about the fact that my butt finally looked like… well, a butt.


To say that this mask alone turned me into a bootylicious kween is quite a stretch, but it did have it’s benefits. My skin felt softer and a little tighter, plus it also helped ease the ingrown hairs that I tend to get on my thighs. So, would I restock on this booty firming mask once I hit empty? Due to the burning effect, probably not. But, if you have a high pain tolerance than I do, and are just as eager to have a mountain slope rear end as I am, then by all means go for it.


MAELYS Cosmetics

Lift & Firm Booty Mask



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