Cynthia Nixon Is Inviting “Qualified and Unqualified Lesbians” to Her Campaign Launch Party Tonight

Cynthia Nixon has only been a candidate for New York governor for a little less than 48 hours, and things are already popping off. She’s been called an “unqualified lesbian” by former City Council Speaker Christine Quinn, led newspaper op-eds to speculate what her run will do for “single women”, and also has Vanity Fair reassuring us that Sex and the City 3’s collapse wasn’t because of her political aspirations.

Phew! A lot can happen in two days. Nixon — who, if Instagram memes are any indication, may have some difficulty separating from her other (fictional) life as Miranda Hobbes — announced on Monday that she is running for governor of New York, and taking on current governor Andrew Cuomo. CNN reports that, while less than 4% of governors running for reelection have lost their primary since 1970, there’s a small but decent chance Nixon could win. The actress is likely to raise more money than Cuomo’s former primary opponents, and she may have support from NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio’s allies.

But one person she doesn’t have support from is Quinn, who told the New York Post on Tuesday that “Cynthia Nixon was opposed to having a qualified lesbian become mayor of New York City. Now she wants to be an unqualified lesbian to be the governor of New York. You have to be qualified and have experience. She isn’t qualified to be the governor.” Quinn ran against de Blasio in 2013’s mayoral race, where Nixon endorsed de Blasio.

Nixon took this accusation and ran with it, tweeting out last night, “Calling all qualified and unqualified lesbians and everyone who wants funded schools, affordable housing & working subways: Join our Campaign Launch Party 3/21 at the Stonewall Inn, 6-9PM.” So if you want to be part of the action, qualified or not, Nixon’s party will be tonight at the historic Stonewall Inn. And in the meantime, read The Cut’s very informative reader on five things to know about Nixon, from her history of being a public education advocate to her activism for LGBTQ rights.

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