Guess How Much Kylie Jenner Is Finally Worth

It’s been several months shy of a year since Forbes announced Kylie Jenner to almost be the youngest self-made billionaire ever. The declaration caused significant backlash (many arguing the height of her family’s platform disqualified Jenner from the descriptor “self-made”), but the main takeaway was that Jenner wasn’t a billionaire…yet. Kylie Cosmetics sat at 900 million at the time of her Forbes cover’s publication last year, and now has just reached the big-time.


That’s right. For all of you 21-year-olds asking your parents to help with rent and struggling with loans, you’ll be happy to hear Kylie Jenner’s personal wealth is now valued in the billlions. It was allegedly her distribution deal with Ulta Beauty, effectively taking her to the next level as Kylie Cosmetics were once only sold online and in pop-ups. She also owns 100 percent of her company, a rare feat for any business owner.


We can now look back and laugh at the Kickstarter created to push Jenner over the edge. Jenner even beat out Mark Zuckerberg — who didn’t reach billionaire status until 23 — for the title, which feels nice. For the record, this makes her roughly 700 million wealthier than her perceived most-successful sister, Kim.


Sincerely hope Kylie picks up the check at any given family outing.

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