Michael Gordon and the Reinvention of Hairdressing

From opening a salon on 57th Street in 1977 to helming an international brand, Bumble and Bumble and Hairstory founder Michael Gordon talks to COOLS about his career spent shaking up the beauty industry. The hair engineer prefers to keep an equal balance of mechanics and emotion while creating a new style. His book Hair Heroes celebrates the work of amazing hair artists like Vidal Sassoon, an admiration that led to Gordon’s personal gift and tribute to Sassoon, a documentary about his life called “Vidal Sassoon: The Movie.”
Gordon has pushed himself and his team to incredible highs in the belief that nothing is ever at its best and that, “If you think you have made it, keep going, keep learning, otherwise, someone else is going to do it.” With one of the best training programs under his belt, it comes as no surprise that Michael’s career has been about the constant push to reinvent hairdressing.

Head of Video: Tina Rosh   DP: Paul Terrie

Thank you to Cipriano Club 55

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