Reebok Just Announced 4 New Sneakers

Sneaker collaborations are nothing new—it was about five years ago when the industry fully embraced the idea, and since then there’s been some pretty epic drops. Hell, there was even a time when it was all people looked forward to buying. And sneaker legend Reebok continues to ride the wave, announcing four more styles on the go.


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Earlier this week, Reebok announced a Cardi B upcoming capsule drop, and then rappers Lil Baby and Swae Lee dropped this latest news during last weekend’s Complexcon.


The festival-exclusive R58 series, designed by basketball player Allen “The Answer” Iverson is the first follow up after his design debut four years ago.


The new selection also includes cult styles like Fatal Fusion, Sole Furt Floatride, and Aztrec (in black, yellow, and red).


The star of the drop, though, is the Iverson Legacy—a completely new style, celebrating the professional player’s work which will be shoppable at Reebok on November 17th for $160. 

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